Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2015

The Distinction Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind

"Our greatest treasure is that which is hidden deep within our own subconscious, it is that dark unused part of our self that is in fact light that is unconscious of itself."
~ Carl Jung

The conscious and the subconscious mind are not two different things, but the two sides of the same coin. The conscious is the part of the mind that makes the logical processes and selects.

For example, you choose your books, your home, your life partner. All decisions are made by your conscious mind. On the other, without any conscious effort on your part, your heart beats endlessly and functions of digestion, blood circulation and respiration continued with unconscious processes and without the control of your conscious awareness. 

Your subconscious mind accepts whatever you capture on it or that you believe consciously. It doesn’t consider the things logically like the conscious mind and do not argue against you. The subconscious is likened to the soil where it receives seed roll, good or bad. 

Thoughts are something active and could be likened to seeds. The negative, destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious and, with time, will bring the situation relating there to them. 

The subconscious does not examine whether these thoughts are good or bad, true or false. It reacts based on the nature of your thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously think that something is true, although it is not, your subconscious will accept it as a fact and proceed in the process of creating the experience that this specific reality implies.

Excerpt from the book of Joseph Murphy, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

Source: visualmeditation.co

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